Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Grammar and structure explanatory of “First things first”: How to ask with "apa"

In the previous edition you have learned some of the most common phrases in Bahasa. And fortunately, while you were listening and try to make it sense, I am sure you found that that’s very easy. In this edition, I will help you to make it sense and you’ll learn a step ahead in Bahasa.

Good Morning/ Day/Evening (Selamat pagi/ siang/ malam) are specific expressions which have no certain grammar or rule but they are simply a common use.

How are you (Apa kabar) is also specific one, literally it says what (is your) news?

Well (Baik) is corresponding fittingly with English word of OK or Alright. To say “good” to express something beautiful or nice, you may say: “bagus”.

You found some of the question words in Bahasa, here they are:

What = apa
Who = siapa
Where = dimana
When = kapan
Why = mengapa

How = bagaimana
How many/ much = berapa

You may notice that “How are you?” was said in Bahasa: “Apa kabar?” it is the matter of a common use. You can also say, “Bagaimana kabar?”

As I mentioned in the introduction, you don’t need “to be” at all in every Bahasa sentence.
For example:
I am very well. Thanks! Saya (I ) sangat (very) baik (well). Terima kasih (Thanks).
Where do you live? Dimana (where) kamu (you) tinggal (live)?

Now, after searching an online Bahasa dictionary, I found one which I gladly recommend to you: Please use that dictionary to do following exercises (I will do number one as an example):

I am very happy = saya sangat senang. Am I very happy? = Apa saya sangat senang?
You are beautiful = are you beautiful? =
She works in a Bank= Does she work in the Bank? =
He greets me = Does he greet me?=
Rudi opened the door= Did Rudi open the door?=

Alright, by this time you’re ready to improve your Bahasa mastery! Congratulations! (If you wanna know something more or more details, feel free to contact me ;) )
Audio format: here

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