Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Let's get started! #1 First thing first

In this edition, I want to engage you to know some of the most used words and phrases in Bahasa. These words and phrases would be very useful for you to be used as a stepping stone to discover essential things in Bahasa, besides you can use them when you meet people for the first time! I also record this edition into an audio format, so that you will easily learn how they are spoken in a native way. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Hi/ Hello! Hai/ Halo

Good morning --> Selamat pagi

Good day --> Selamat siang

Good evening/ night!--> Selamat malam

How are you? --> Apa kabar?

Good/ well and you? --> Baik! Kamu?

I am very well. Thanks! --> Saya sangat baik. Terima kasih.

Where do you live? -->Dimana kamu tinggal?

I live in Washington. -->Saya tinggal di Washington.

What are you? --> Kamu kerja apa?

I am a writer. --> Saya (seorang) penulis.

Nice to meet you! --> Senang kenalan dengan kamu.

Nice to meet you too! --> Saya juga!
(in Bahasa: me too)

List of new words:

Thanks = terima kasih
Where = dimana
Live = tinggal
Writer = penulis
You = kamu
Meet = kenalan

Note: For further exercise to write and speak these words and phrases, please listen to the audio here. I will soon post the explanations of these phrases in the next edition :).

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